Promotional Packages/ Paquetes de Promocion
Spa Day
3 hrs $5500 Mx / Couple $10000 Mx
-Massage (60 min) + Aromatherapy + Facial + Skin scrubber+ facial moisturization + Body Exfoliation + Chocolate Body Wrap Chocolate Therapy + Foot massage + Nourishing hand mask + repairing foot mask
-Masaje (60min) + Aromaterapia + Facial + Skin scrubber + Hidratante facial + Exfoliante corporal + Envoltura de chocolate + masaje de pies + Nourishing hand mask + repairing foot mask.
1:45 hrs $3200mx / Couple $6000
-Massage (60 min) + Aromatherapy + Facial + Skin scrubber+ Facial moisturization
-Masaje (60min) + Aromaterapia + Facial + Skin scrubber + Hidratante facial
Pamper Yourself
2 hrs $3800mx / Couple $7000 Mx
-Massage (60 min) + Aromatherapy + Body Exfoliation + Chocolate Body Wrap Chocolate Therapy)
-Masaje (60min) + Aromaterapia + Exfoliante corporal + Envoltura de chocolate
Couple Massage/ Masaje en Pareja
1 hrs $3500 Mx / 01:30 hrs $5500 Mx
All Spa Treatments Provided in Hotel Room or Pool area For more Info ask in Lobby or a Concierge
Massages / Masajes
Relaxing Massage / Relajante
60 min $2000 Mx / 90 min $3000 mx
-The massage provides a relaxing feeling and ease tension, activates blood circulation to dissipate and increase the level of oxygen in the tissues.
-Proporciona una sensation relajante hate que se disipen las tensiones, activa la circulation sanguínea.
Deep Tissue / Descontracturante
60 min $2200 mx / 90 min $3300 Mx
-This massage gets focused primarily to reduce muscle tension in the neck and spine, resulting from stress or poor posture.
-Momento de confort y relax, reduce la tension muscular concentrada en el cuello y la columna, por estrés o de malas posturas.
Swedish Massage / Masaje Sueco
60 min $2000 Mx / 90 min $3000 mx
-Swedish massage is based on the combination of five basic passes which produce the effects of removing accumulated tension in muscles, improve blood circulation, remove toxins and thus improving tissue oxygenation. That produces muscle relaxation efficiency and provides psychological well-being and stress reduction. Hot stone massage.
Hot stone massage / Piedras calientes
90 min $3000 Mx
-Combines traditional therapeutic massage with the application of stones on the skin at different temperatures to facilitate vital energy flow and relieve physical and emotional disorders.
-Combina el masaje traditional con la aplicación sobre la piel de Piedras a distintas temperaturas, Para facilitar que fluya la energía vital y aliviar así trastornos físicos.
Facials / Faciales
1 Session
Facial : Cleansing + Scrub and mask + vapor & ozono + Skin scrubber + facial moisturization
50 min $ 1800 Mx
-These are the treatments with multiple benefits, because by cleaning facial purifies and balances the face skin, achieving luminosity and a smooth and soft skin
-Tratamiento con multiples beneficios, ya que mediante la limpieza facial del rostro, consiguiendo luminosidad y una piel tersa y suave
Body wraps / Envolventes
1 Session
Chocolate wrap / Chocolaterapia + Body Exfoliation
60 mmin $ 2200 Mx
-The chocolate is an ingredient with energizing moisturizing and revitalizing properties. Chocolate therapy is a treatment that hydrates and nourishes the skin while acting as anti-cellulite and draining measure
-El chocolate es un ingrediente con propiedades energizantes, humectantes y revitalizadoras. La chocolaterapia es un tratamiento que hidrata y nutre la piel mientras que actúa como anticelulitico y drenante.